Wednesday, April 21, 2010

April 20, 2010 - tattooed man on bike

thank you,
tattooed man on bike smoking a stogie...
for existing.

Monday, April 19, 2010

April 19, 2010 - why are you staring at me?

girl with the drawn on eyebrows,
why were you staring at me? i didn't have boogers in my nose and my hair looked fine.
and another thing, it wasn't very nice of you to tell that girl she had a big nose. it's only a little big.
does anyone know what we are supposed to do if we happen to fall into a black hole?

Saturday, April 17, 2010

have you ever?

do you ever wipe your greesy chip fingers off on your mother's couch, rug, and/or chair?

i do.

Friday, April 16, 2010

mixed media.

awesome art.

call me flower

i'm craving excellent photographs and even better cuddles.

new clothes and a new haircut.

a spectacular night out.

summertime sunshine.


Sunday, April 4, 2010

happy easter

i love easter.
the day christ rose from the dead.
a new beginning.

i've always loved easter.
the church service sends my heart a flutter.
makes me smile.
fills my heart with glee.

i hope you had a joyous day.

Friday, April 2, 2010

spring time

the turn around

i've been learning a lot
about myself lately.
i'm coming into my own.

there are certain things i've never
known about myself.
i'm fun.
i'm crazy.
i'm exciting.

it's wonderful getting to know
myself all over again.

my blogs are sporadic.
i know.
i'll work on it.

i've met a boy.