Monday, June 28, 2010

Friday, June 25, 2010

I'm like a heat wave, without warning


And when I touch you my heart begins to flutter
'cause you're smooth and creamy like peanut butter

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Monday, June 21, 2010

dirty dancing

obviously i wasn't the only one watching dirty dancing on tv tonight!
...i might have been the only one to watch it twice in a row though.
i'm more of a flashdance girl myself, but you just can't turn down a classic like dirty dancing.
other classics you shouldn't turn down (according to me) are:

  • pretty in pink

  • footloose

  • breakfast at tiffany's

  • gone with the wind (granted i usually get bored halfway through and go do something else)
what are your classics?

Sunday, June 20, 2010

happy father's day

i have had a really, really good weekend.

Friday, June 18, 2010

belle & sebastian

Hey, you’ve been used
Are you calm? settle down
Write a song, I'll sing along
Soon you will know that you are sane
You’re on top of the world again


take a look at that!
look at how much better i'm getting!

yeah i'm kind of an old women...

when i finally understood the knit stitch i very loudly yelled out, "yeah bitch!"
now, i haven't brushed up on my knitting etiquette in a while...but i'm pretty sure you shouldn't do that.


Thursday, June 17, 2010

urban sketchers

have you ever heard of the urban sketchers blog? it's gooooood.
these people really know how to sketch


Wednesday, June 16, 2010


even though i feel that she's kind of a b word.
the girl can cook.
it's relaxing to watch her make fried chicken.

it would be so nice to be able to cook without starting fires.
...especially sleeve fires.

project update

it was a weird day.
the picture is from a magazine.
it's the girl who plays alice in the twilight movies.
nothing against was just a good photo for what i had in mind.

kinda creepy.

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

project II


my mom owned this when she was little and passed it down to me.
i loved it.
this toy is beyond cool.

i wish i knew were my fashion plates were....

Monday, June 14, 2010


the start of my summer project.
it feels so good to draw what i feel like drawing.

Friday, June 11, 2010

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

the great mystery of life...SOLVED

everyone has them.
dont try to deny it.
you know those weird pictures you take of yourself?


the ones you'd be embarrassed to have other people to see...
but you kind of actually like?
the ones too dumb or uncreative to put on your facebook page..

i have found a suitable place to display them.


totally stupid.

but danng.
i'm lookin good.

growing pains.

it's a deadly cycle.
grow it out.
cut it off.

grow it out...


Tuesday, June 1, 2010

kitty on the keyboard

haircuts, shopping, sisters, talking.
and of couse..the kitty.

it was a good day.