Tuesday, August 31, 2010


i just found out that there's a "stats" tab.


28 people have looked at my blog just today!

and 33 looked at it yesterday.

i don't know who you people are... but HI!
leave a comment or something eh?

Monday, August 30, 2010

internet withdrawls

going without internet is icky.. hopefully our shabby chic apartment (fancy words for ghetto) will be receiving it's long awaited modem today. (pray for us)

here's what i've been up to:
  • decorating the apartment.
    • by decorating i mean stealing things from home and trying to make them fit in my tiny room. 
  •  reading. a lot.
    • this semester is all about the books i guess. and surprise surprise..russian literature is actually kind of a fun read.
  •  buying my own groceries.
    • it sucks.
  •  weekend with my boyfriend/handyman.
    • always fun.
  •  loosing my car.
    • directions are hard.
  • watching claire cook with little to no ingredients.
    • for a while there we didn't even have salt.
  • sketchy oven.
    • hard bottoms, soggy tops.
  • staying in the apartment ALONE.
    • those of you who know me know how weird this was for me. 
      • i'm easily frightened.
        • i did it. 
 hope every one's having a good start to the school year!...or end to the summer.


Friday, August 20, 2010


My idea of pure, perfect happiness.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

wedding thank you postcard

they got married on a football field.

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Monday, August 9, 2010


it's amazing.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Tuesday, August 3, 2010


Magic is in all of us and in everyone who believes they can make beautiful things happen.
It's in a first kiss, in fireworks, running with your girlfriends down the beach at midnight, screaming into the sky.
It's falling in love and falling down the rabbit hole.
It's in your dreams and imagination.

We call all use magic.

Monday, August 2, 2010

rock 'n roll

i found the coolest blog eva.


haven't you heard?

Haven't you heard?
I'm stuck on a verse
I'm stuck on a boy
who fills me with joy
I knew I was wrong
to jump straight on into
this picture so pretty
But he is so pretty to me

And he doesn't know
just how far I would go
Just to kiss him
He doesn't know I pine
So I make whirlpools
And watch him sparkle

And we'll make love make magic

And haven't you heard?
I thought I had first
And he loves me so
We're two in a row

Just look in his eyes
They're blue as the skies
a picture so pretty
but he is so pretty to me

So I make whirlpools
And watch him sparkle
And we'll make love make magic

But I couldn't tell you
Just tell that it takes you
'Cause words don't make
what I make with him

Haven't you heard?
I'm stuck on a verse
I'm stuck on a boy
who fills me with joy

I knew I was wrong
to jump straight on into
this picture so pretty
But he is so pretty to me

yes, yes, yes

best wedding video EVER.