Saturday, February 26, 2011

3 Internet Things That Make My Day

1.  when tumblr pages turn my mouse into a magic wand.

2.  when imgfave seems to be a visual guide of my life at the time.

3.  realizing there's a new episode of glee or the office on hulu that i forgot about.

it's going to be that kind of day.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

inspiration: lips.

i think i need more lipstick.

p.s. the kissing one? yeahhhhhh. that's something.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

copy cat

today was good because:

  • yay fonts!
  • i tried p90x yoga (HARD)
  • my friend, linnea, wrote me a lovely note
  • belated birthday supper with aunt, uncle, and cousin
  • i put my liquid eye liner on perfectly without any smudges, bumps, or smears
  • dark chocolate with raspberries and green tea
  • charlie loves me
i want to recreate this picture this weekend.
let you know how it goes. 

Monday, February 14, 2011

happy valentine's day!

i love valentine's day.
i love love. 

Sunday, February 6, 2011

what happened?

i used to be good at this.

well here's a quick catch up:
 i still love my kitty.

but he's growing and getting very naughty. 

i also still love my boyfriend...

and his crazy hair.

this song is good too.