Monday, March 28, 2011

too cute to handle

SOOO adorable. 
i just wanna squeeze these little girls! 
(in a good way)
 more here, here, and here

Friday, March 25, 2011

sailing home by karen o and the kids

i want this. just wouldn't look the same with dark brown hair.
and i don't think i could pull off blonde :)

lately i've been looking at a lot of short hair cuts..hmm..

better save it for hair school!

Thursday, March 24, 2011

counting flowers on the wall by the statler brothers

i really like ceramics. 
i love mushy cold clay.
i love making something that i can actually use.
i love being surprised at how the glazes turned out.

these bowls are the second project that i did in beginning ceramics.
i think my favorite is the 1st bowl. it's my favorite because it all happened by accident, but during the critique everyone said it looked very purposeful and neat. it's always an awesome feeling when things just go the right way.

today my car was stuck in the parking lot..
i mean really stuck.
it totally looked like i could just cruse on out...
the snow is very sneaky and deceiving. i am ready for it to leave.
to make a long story short- it took me an hour to get it out.
my arms are sore.

another thing is that i really love my mom.
i honestly don't know what i'd do without her.
actually i do..and it would not be pretty.
she's the only person i know who will listen to me cry over the phone for over an hour. just cry.
and after i'm all done feeling sorry for myself she makes sure i have my priorities straight.
thanks mom.
love you.

this post is full of a lot of random thoughts.
welcome into my mind!

Thursday, March 17, 2011


just got a new camera!
i've been dying to experiment with it. 

soo fun.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

newest idol.

i've posted about her might remember this
she's a hairstylist and everything that is cool.
her clothes are awesome.
so is her name.
