Thursday, September 8, 2011

it's not you, it's me.


well.... as you can probably tell i've tired of the blog game.
but not enough to give it up cold turkey. 

come visit me :)

and maybe i'll come back sometime. when i feel that i have something more to contribute.

until then, enjoy my pointless posts on tumblr!

Monday, August 1, 2011


well hello there august

usually by now i'd be stressing about

but i still have 1 month and 25 days of summer left! 
and i already found an apartment + a roommate!

i realize that for everyone around me their summer is over so i will be alone a lot while they are at work, school, or football practice

but that's ok i think.

it's so weird to think that i will only be about an hour and a half away from the people i love this year.
every time i think about it i just can't help but smile.


and after this year i will be even closer!


here are some other things that have been making me smile lately: 

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

check out my specs


so a couple days ago i picked out my 5 at home try on frames from warby parker
if you've never heard of them and you wear glasses it's a shame!

they let you pick 5 frames to try on FOR FREE
and send them to you FOR FREE
and then you send them back FOR FREE

and then you pick your favorite and order them FOR FREE!..
Just Kidding
but honestly it's only $95 with the rx frames included 
and that's basically a steal since my last pair set me back $300

so i need your help
which ones are your favorite?! 


 i think i like these the best
they look a lot like the ones i wear now but they're a little bigger and fit my face better


in person these frames look a little ugly and definitely old grandma-ish
is it weird that i like them?! cuz i do.


i think these are a little too thick for my face


 i don't mind these but the color is a matte black and..
i just don't know about that.


and if you vote for these there's something wrong with you! 

thanks for helping!!! 

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Dream a Little Dream of Me

Please listen to this song while viewing the following photos:

now don't get me wrong....i love shooting my little sister.
it's just....
i'd like some variation.

i think i need more friends.

i know i need more friends.

but for now...
abby will suit me just fine.


Thursday, July 14, 2011

wuthering heights

i just got this necklace in the mail yesterday.
love love love it.

you can find it here.


in other news, i finished wuthering heights today.
i'm still not sure how i feel about it.
i think i will have to re-read it in order for it to really sink in.
if you've read it...what do you think? 
i think heathcliff was crazy.  
i understand that he was so so SO in love with catherine...
but did he really have to be so MEAN??
i can, however, really relate this book to people in my life.
the hopeless despair and suffering act is just one thing i will never understand.
the ending was much more my style.

here are some of my favorite lines from the book:

...So he shall never know how I love him: and that, not because he's handsome, Nelly, but because he's more myself than I am.  Whatever our souls are made of, his and mine are the same.  -pg 80

If all else perished, and he remained, I should still continue to be; and if all else remained, and he were annihilated, the universe would turn to a mighty stranger: I should not seem a part of it. -pg 82

If he loved with all the powers of his puny being, he couldn't love as much in eighty years as I could in a day. And Catherine has a heart as deep as I have: the sea could be as readily contained in that horse-trough as her whole affection be monopolized by him. -pg 148



i started pride and prejudice today also.
even though i've seen the movie and know the story i'm still looking forward to it.

i love summer - i love reading

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

shakin' the lazy bones

here are my treasures! 

and here's my new hair!
better pictures to come.

btw- you know when you get your hair cut and they just load it up with gunk? why do they do that?! i hate it. i hope i don't do that when i'm styling hair!

and here are some random snapshot portraits i've taken lately.

i love this picture.
this is how my mom always looks in my mind.

 i love this picture too!
isn't he a cutie!?


lazy blogger

i have realized that i am a lazy blogger.
i have sooo many things i want to say!

but then i think...
oooh i'd have to go take pictures of that.
or eh i don't really feel like trying that on right now.

but here's some things:
-i got my hair highlighted today and i will hopefully post pictures tomorrow
-i got new makeup and i want to show you that too
-i am in the process of adding lots of black to my wardrobe since that will be my "uniform" at school

please don't move on to other blogs and forget about me! i promise i will be better. invite your friends and family because this bitch is just getting started!

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

happy 4th of july :)

i had an ammmazing weekend filled with friends, family, and food.
hope you all had a safe and fun fourth!

Monday, June 20, 2011

wedding season

cousin jaden, nate, me, leah (jaden's girlfriend who i loooove)

one of my cousins got married on saturday! it was a beautiful wedding and the reception was sooo fun. wishing i had more weddings to attend this summer! anyway it really got me thinking about weddings... i love looking at wedding blogs and getting ideas. here are some of my ideas so far!

p.s if you're not into you really should try it! it's great.