Wednesday, June 15, 2011

just in case

in case you haven't been following me on twitter here's a little adventure you missed out on...

on sunday nate and i decided to be spontaneous and take a trip to bismarck to do some shopping! even though i dont have any money and vowed not to buy anything it still sounded fun.. well after hitting up the mall and getting some good chicken it started looking a little scary outside. we decided to get going and after being on the rode 10 minutes it started POURING! ....and then it started to hail. my poor car :( we finally made it to a gas station when my mom called and said there are tornadoes and more hail ahead...

i am not a fan of storms.

at all.

i dont cry and freak out externally, but on the inside...different story. i always feel like there is no doubt about the fact that i will be sucked into a tornado like the wizard of oz and will not live to see another day.

so we went to there nearest motel (across the street) and hunkered down.

even though i was pretty freaked out the whole time i still had fun :) it was an interesting adventure and made me realize how awesome my boyfriend is. 

and if anyone is looking for a nice getaway in new salem, nd the arrowhead inn is just for you!!....since you'll have no other options. 

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thank you for the soul droplets.