Tuesday, October 5, 2010

hey tuesday! sit on it and rotate!

today i had "one of those days"
-i forgot to print my graphic design assignment

-my backpack was so heavy, when i put it on i literally stumbled under it's weight (right in front of cute russian boy..ugh)

-i'm stressed and as a side effect i clench my teeth while i'm sleeping. resulting in lots 'o pain all day long

-because i'm stressed out..i decided it would feel good to lay in a tanning bed for a while and erase my tan lines. so i got some special, powerful tanning lotion. while applying said lotion i thought, "hey i should just put this all over!"..stupid. i walked out all blotchy and red and HOT! i missed a bunch of skin, especially on my back. i look ridiculous.

-and to top it all off i have a little test on thursday...the perfect preamble to my BIG test on friday!

thank goodness this weekend is a long weekend. i am so ready to see my family!

(sorry for the complaining...just had to get it out of me)

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thank you for the soul droplets.